Portland’s Own Simple, Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Surgery Solution

At Oregon Advanced Surgery, we utilize the latest physician-guided robotic technology to accomplish your procedure and help you heal, so you can get back to enjoying your life.

Does My Surgery Qualify?

Minimally invasive, laparoscopic surgery produces great success in patients with the following issues:

  • Head & neck cancer, oropharyngeal cancer & thyroid cancer.
  • Urological conditions, including prostate cancer, kidney removal, bladder cancer, and kidney stones.
  • Gallbladder cancer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and benign pancreatic lesions among others.

Safe, Physician-Guided Robotic Procedures

Our state-of-the-art technology makes surgical recovery easier.
  • Low Risk of Infection
  • Reduce Blood Loss
  • Brief Hospital Stay
  • Quick recovery time
  • Less scarring & pain

Oregon Advanced Surgery Blog

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Laparoscopic Linx Procedure – May 2016

“The whole experience from the beginning to the end was fantastic. Dr. Tseng is a very kind doctor who listens to what the patient has to say. My PCP told me I was getting the best doctor to do the procedure and I believe it. I would recommend Dr. Tseng to anyone who has to have this type of surgery.”

Kathy Carino